Although fruit juice is normally touted for providing the body with antioxidants and vitamin C, sugar and high acid contents present in the juice have harmful effects on your teeth. Sugar and acid are important factors of tooth decay. Sugar increases the bacteria present in the mouth, resulting in the creation of acid. The acid produced acts on tooth enamel, leading to decay. This eventually results in cavities.
Effects Sugary Juices Have on the Teeth
Sugar is used as a sweetener when making juice. Therefore, whenever you take a sip of juice, the sugar facilitates the formation of dental plaque. The high percentage of bacteria in the mouth start irritating the gums, which eventually can lead to the formation of gum disease. The progression of gum disease results in the deepening of the pockets surrounding the teeth, causing extensive damage to the bone and gum tissue. At this point, the tooth loses its anchor and becomes loose, leading to tooth loss. One of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults is gum disease. People who insist on pure juice are not safe either, because pure juices contain large quantities of natural sugars and still contain acid. Pure fruit juices have high sugar content in comparison to sodas.
Effects of Fruit Juices on Tooth Enamel
The enamel is among the most fragile part of the teeth despite its incredible strength. The acid found in the fruit juices acts faster on teeth enamel than the acid produced by mouth bacteria. Used in excess quantities, the acidic content in fruit juices is more concentrated than vinegar with the capacity to act on the tooth enamel. This can result in tooth sensitivity, cavities, and tooth loss.
Unfortunately, most parents give their children fruit juice as a substitute for sodas increasing their chances of tooth decay. In case of these dental problems, do not hesitate to call us and our dentist will attend to you before your problem becomes severe.
Dental Implants Rancho Palos Verdes, CA | About Dr. Palani Welcome to Palani Center for Dental Implants! We proudly serve Rancho Palos Verdes and Beverly Hills, CA. Featuring cosmetic dentistry, dental implants and more. Palani Center For Dental Implants, 28358 S Western Ave, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 ~ (310) 894-8337 ~ ~ 2/11/2025 ~ Tags: Dental Implants Rancho Palos Verdes CA ~