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A Stroke Could Be Coming if You Do Not Take Care of Your Oral Health

Posted on 1/10/2020 by Giri Palani
A Stroke Could Be Coming if You Do Not Take Care of Your Oral HealthWe know that you don't want to have a stroke. Each year, over 800,000 people in the United States has a stroke. Over 140,000 people die from stroke each year.

There are ways that you can avoid a stroke, which include not using tobacco products, eating a healthy diet, exercising and watching your weight. However, did you know that if you are neglecting your oral health, you are putting yourself at risk for stroke? We have answers for you right here.

Oral Health Improves Body Health

Your mouth has bacteria in it all the time. It is unavoidable. However, you can keep your bacteria at bay by practicing good oral hygiene. You need to brush and floss every day, twice a day. You need to be sure that you visit us twice a year. If you maintain your oral health, you keep your risks for that bacteria getting out of control down to a minimum.

However, if you don't practice good oral hygiene, you allow bacteria to build up in your mouth. Over time, that bacteria can cause two major issues- tooth decay and gum disease. Both are not good for your mouth, or your body. Tooth decay can lead to cavities, and if they are left untreated, cavities lead to infections and abscesses in your mouth.

Not only can you lose teeth, but you can also spread the infection in your mouth through your bloodstream, which can lead to complications with your heart, and with your brain. People with poor dental health are at a higher risk for stroke due to mouth infections. Gum infections work much the same way. The infection can spread to your body from your gums.

Are you concerned about your risk of stroke? Give us a call today and let us help you up your oral hygiene game.

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