The main goal of teeth cleaning is to remove plaque and tartar buildup from the surface of your teeth. Cleaning helps reduce the chances of tooth decay and gum issues. On the flip side, teeth whitening focuses on enhancing the beauty of your smile. Whitening eliminates stains and discoloration. In essence, while teeth cleaning enhances oral health, teeth whitening aims to brighten and improve the aesthetics of your smile. It is crucial to note that while regular teeth whitening may enhance your overall appearance, it cannot be a substitute for teeth cleaning.
Why Tooth Whitening?
Teeth discoloration can gradually occur due to habits like drinking coffee, smoking, and using certain medications. If your teeth are stained and you desire to brighten them, whitening may be the solution. While teeth whitening does not contribute to oral health directly, it can boost your confidence and self-esteem. However, it is essential to note that tooth stains usually do not reveal health issues unless they are caused by plaque and tartar buildup.
Why Tooth Cleaning?
The American Dental Association recommends getting professional teeth cleanings every six months. However, if you are prone to tooth decay or have a history of gum disease, your dentist may recommend more frequent cleanings. Dental hygienists, who are trained and licensed primary healthcare providers, perform teeth cleanings by scaling and polishing teeth.
Cleaning or Whitening: The Decision Is Yours
Regularly cleaning your teeth is crucial for maintaining good dental health, while teeth whitening is a choice you make to enhance the look of your smile. If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, whitening is a choice. Even so, dental cleaning is an important, regular oral health care activity. Whether you whiten your teeth or not, make sure you maintain a regular whitening schedule.
Whether you wish to whiten or clean your teeth, we are here for you. To arrange a whitening session, contact us today. We also provide quick cleaning appointments and have simplified the process of scheduling your dental visit online.
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